Adult Chorus Information and Registration
The Warren County Community Singers is currently not accepting new members. The next opportunity to join us will be Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM and new members will be accepted through the month of January.
We rehearse from 7:30 - 9:30 at:
First Presbyterian Church of Washington
40 E. Church Street
Washington, NJ 07882
The registration fee will be $55, which includes the cost of music. Please complete the form below and bring with you to the first rehearsal along with a check made out to the Warren County Community Singers.
In addition, each singer is expected to raise $50 per semester, either through participation in the fundraising activities, selling promotional ads, or personal donations to help financially support the group. For more information, please email wcsingers.info@gmail.com.
WCCS Co-Presidents:
Bill LePore - bslepore@yahoo.com - 610-905-6664
Meg Slutter - slutter80@gmail.com - 908-797-3614
Please click here to pre-register online using a Google form, OR complete the new member form below and bring it with you to the first rehearsal.