About the Warren County Community Singers
The Mission of The Warren County Community Singers (WCCS) is to enhance the lives of the people of Warren County and neighboring communities by presenting free concerts of choral music, and by offering people of all ages who love to sing the opportunity to perform in a non-auditioned chorus. We perform two concert weekends each year. Winterfest of Music is the first weekend in December and Springfest of Music is the first weekend in May.
Members need not reside in Warren County, and come from all walks of life. Members range in age from 15 to 90, share a love of music and enjoy choral performance. The WCCS adult organization was founded by Warren County in 1993 with 37 members, and has grown significantly since then. In 1998, WCCS incorporated and became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Our Children’s Chorus includes children with unchanged voices, ages 7 to 14. Boys and girls are encouraged to join and participate in the performances. Young singers, dancers, performing arts students, and instrumentalists are also encouraged to join and perform.

Outreach Performances
In addition to our Winterfest and Springfest of Music, the WCCS performs at various events throughout the county, ranging from dedications, memorials and tree lightings. We have performed at Shippen Manor, "Heritage Day," the Heritage festival sponsored by the Warren County Human Relations Commission and Belvidere's Victorian Days.
In December of 2006, the Children's Choir or Warren County performed on TV's "Fox & Friends in NYC. In December of 2009, we performed at Common Sense for Animals in New Village during the dedication of their new shelter, and have sung at their annual tree lighting ceremony. On Memorial Day, May 30, 2011, we performed at the Phillipsburg 150th Town Anniversary Celebration.
On September 11, 2012, we had the honor of performing at the dedication of the 9/11 Memorial of Warren County Community College. Additional performances include: November 2013 William L. Nixon Veterans Day Tribute at Phillipsburg High School, 175th Anniversary Celebration of Franklin Township in May 2014, Rossi Festival of Trees to benefit Abilities of Northwest Jersey Inc. and the Domestic Abuse Center.
During the holidays, we have enjoyed performing at Washington Borough and Phillipsburg tree lighting ceremonies, The House of Good Shepherd in Hackettstown, Warren Haven Nursing Home in Oxford and The Chelsea in Belvidere.
To inquire about the Warren County Community Singers performing at an event or ceremony, please email wcsingers.info@gmail.com.